The "Universal" Horn

Technically is not possible to create an enclosure, that is optimal for
loudspeaker drivers with different parameters, but I always wanted to have an useful backloaded horn system I can change the drivers
fast and easy. That's why i decided to build a horn which can fit a certain range of speakers with a similar size and parameters. Of
course, it is not optimal for any of them, but it delivers an acceptable condition for a listening assessment.
This is a Tractrix backloaded horn with a length of 3,2m.
The compression chamber volume can be adjusted according the driver's T/S parameters in a range of 7-9 ltr. In addition some
damping material can be added.
Every driver is firmly mounted on a dedicated plywood panel with four mounting holes with a brass bushings for a better contact with the
tightening star grips.

Here is the simulation of some fullrange drivers from my
collection with adjusted compression chamber volume:
The compression chamber volume for each driver is:
Fostex FE-208 Σ = 7.4 ltr.
Fostex FP-203 = 7.6 ltr.
Coral Beta 8 = 8.2 ltr
Tang Band W8-1772 = 8.0 ltr.
Each speaker shows a different behavior under 100Hz, and therefore
the audible bass performance varies, but the overall tonal balance
remains acceptable for all of them.

This is the photos of the "Universal" Horns with some drivers of my collection.
Note that not all of them are suitable for a backloaded horn